Welcome to the website of komm-agrar. The name developed from the working field "agricultural communication" and expresses also sympathie for rural regions. The focus of my work are development processes in rural regions and my background of expersie are the agricultural sciences with specification in agricultural communication and advisory work. However, training offers in communication, facilitation, advisory work or project planning are not restriced to rural backgrounds. More details about training offers and services are provided under "working fields". Dr. sc. agr. Angelika Thomas
A quote about visualisation
Moderation and visualisation go most often together, depending on the proper selection of appropriate tools. The artist Telse Schnelle-Cölln was part of the group of pioneers who developed the 'metaplan' methods and tools for visualising. They experimented with colours, with size and shape of moderation cards, and gave a lot of background and inspiration for the arrangements of cards on a pinboard.
Understanding of advisory work
Advisory work is the process whereby the advisory worker tries to motivate his partner and to give him the capability with the help of encouragement and ideas to act to solve his acute problems. The people concerned acquire a better insight into the network of problems and recognise the alternative solutions avaiable. They gain the incentive to embark on problem solving and the direction to take. (Albrecht et al.